Soggetto Originale: THE OLD GUARD di Greg Rucka (t) / Leandro Fernandez (d). Prima Pubblicazione: ● The Old Guard #1 (Feb 2017, Image Comics) KeywordsImage ComicsThe Old GuardPaeseStati UnitiStato in ItaliaDisponibileColoreColoreCast & CrewVedi TuttoRegistaVictoria MahoneyCastCharlize TheronANDY / ANDROMACHE OF SCYTHIA CastKiKi LayneNILE FREEMAN CastMatthias SchoenaertsBOOKER CastMarwan KenzariJOE / YUSUF CastLuca MarinelliNICKY / NICOLÒ CastNgô Thanh VânQUỲNH (Noriko) CastHenry GoldingTUA CastJoey AnsahDISCORD CastChiwetel EjioforCOPLEY Titoli CorrelatiThe BeautySerie TVRevivalSerie TV2024The Walking Dead: The Ones Who LiveMiniserie2023The Walking Dead: Daryl DixonSerie TV2023The Walking Dead: Dead CitySerie TV2022Tales of the Walking DeadSerie TV2022Fear the Walking Dead: Dead in the WaterWebserie2021Jupiter’s LegacySerie TV2020The Walking Dead: World BeyondSerie TV2020The Old GuardFilm2019Fear the Walking Dead: The Althea TapesWebserie2017Happy!Serie TV